
BIM (Building Information Modeling) Model Server

This posting is to introduce ‘performa BIM Model Server' of Quartz Sys. 
It can import IFC Data from the design information of buildings modeled with big data BIM and extract 3D shapes & property information of buildings.  performa BIM Model Server stores and manages the information by object in DBMS model server through our high-speed IFC parsing engine which was certified by International buildingSmart for the first time in Asia.

performa BIM Model Server also has capability to provide other systems with 3D shapes & property information of the BIM- designed objects, which have been stored in the server, through OpenAPI service based on Restful.

Major functions of performa BIM Model Server are as follows:

1. Open BIM Data files interworking the projects with Googlemap 

2. Store and Manage the information of objects and express the detailed property information of objects. 

3.  Visualize BIM Data in 3D in web environment including MEP information. 

Accordion View 

MEP (pipes)

 The following video will show you more detailed information of performa BIM Model Server.

#BIM #3D #visualization #BIMModelServer #FacilityManagement #IFC #BuildingManagemet #BIMprogram #4D #GIS #googlemap #restful #openAIP

Free Download performa Manager basic  at  http://goo.gl/XFqPbI

www.quartzsys.com      E-mail: onmyway@quartzsys.com

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