
A video showing BIM (Building Information Modeling) Data Integrity Checker (performa IC)

* The following video is showing the process of IFC file Integrity check and the functions of Quartz Sys's integrity checker, performa IC.


Integrity Check for 3D BIM Model

When you convert it into IFC file format after 3D designing a building using a BIM authoring tool such as Autodesk's Revit, missing objects are often found. In other words, the object you could see in Revit are missing when it is converted into IFC file and then imported it.   To get more accurate modeling result, we need to check the missing data and correct them in Revit.  


      Concept of BIM data Integrity Check 

Detailed process of BIM data Integrity Check using performa IC



When IFC file is exported after BIM designed, Revit data (NIC file) are generated through Revit Plug-in and the NIC file's Integrity can be checked.


 IFC file is imported in performa IC.


The IFC data are compared with Revit data and their integrity is checked in performa IC.


In performa IC, the missing data can be detected and the result reported. 


The missing data are checked in Revit by clicking the Integrity Check button. 


The missing data are corrected in Revit.

   Missing Object data expressed in performa IC

Example #1 
You can see the Roof object in Revit, but it is missing after it is exported into IFC file and then imported again in performa IC. performa IC visualizes the missed object in 3D.



                                              performa IC



 Example #2
You can see the Window mass object in Revit, but it is missing after it is exported into IFC file and then imported again in performa IC. performa IC visualizes the missed object in 3D.


                                                   performa IC


performa IC (Integrity Checker) is mutual BIM data integrity checking feedback system.

  Functions of performa IC 

• Visualizing property and shape information of BIM model big data. 
• BIM authoring tool's (Autodesk Revit etc.) integrity feedback plug in. 
• Visualizing the missed objects

• Analyzing the integrity objects by type



Learn Building Monitoring System (BMS) without tears

  The following cartoon is about Building Monitoring System (BMS) and gives an example case showing how BMS is used in building management. 

performa BMS is a building management software based on IFC-certified BIM technology (IFC 2x3) and monitoring the whole building in real time by connecting BIM data to Building Automation System (BAS).
Next time I will provide more detailed information and functions of performa BMS. 

‪#‎BIM‬ ‪#‎3D‬ ‪#‎visualization‬ ‪#‎FacilityManagement‬ ‪#‎IFCfile‬ ‪#‎BuildingManagemet‬ ‪#‎BIMprogram‬ ‪#‎4D‬ ‪#‎openBIM‬ #BIMprogram ‪#‎BIMsoftware‬ ‪#‎ConstructionBIM‬ ‪#‎BIMviewer‬ ‪#‎BIMbrowser‬‪ #‎performaManager‬ ‪#‎BuildingInformationModeling‬ ‪#‎BMS #BuildingMonitoringSystem

▷Free Download performa Manager basic at http://goo.gl/XFqPbI
www.quartzsys.com,        e-mail: onmyway@quartzsys.com


BIM (Building Information Modeling) program function: Object Search / Virtual Navigation & Walk through

When you check or manage a building with BIM software, if the building is BIM-designed, you can see 3D images and get various information of building objects as if you are really in the building looking at them.    

performa Manager has "Navigation Map" and "Walk Through" functions as well as Building Object Search function.

 Through these functions, user can get the information of building objects using virtual navigation and virtually walking through every each part of the building. 

                                                 Building Object Search

This video is showing how to search building objects through IFC BIM Viewer of performa Manager which can also express detailed information of the target objects.

Navigation Map & Walk through

The inside and outside of the building are visualized in 3D, and 2D-floor plan (like a 'map') by level is  also presented in the 3D View. The red spot is like camera and the triangle area is like camera angle.   

▷Free Download performa Manager basic (trial version) at  http://goo.gl/XFqPbI

* If you are interested in 'performa Manager pro'(paid version), which has more upgraded functions, feel free to contact us.

e-mail : onmyway@quartzsys.com 
web site : www.quartzsys.com 


BIM (Building Information Modeling) Model Server

This posting is to introduce ‘performa BIM Model Server' of Quartz Sys. 
It can import IFC Data from the design information of buildings modeled with big data BIM and extract 3D shapes & property information of buildings.  performa BIM Model Server stores and manages the information by object in DBMS model server through our high-speed IFC parsing engine which was certified by International buildingSmart for the first time in Asia.

performa BIM Model Server also has capability to provide other systems with 3D shapes & property information of the BIM- designed objects, which have been stored in the server, through OpenAPI service based on Restful.

Major functions of performa BIM Model Server are as follows:

1. Open BIM Data files interworking the projects with Googlemap 

2. Store and Manage the information of objects and express the detailed property information of objects. 

3.  Visualize BIM Data in 3D in web environment including MEP information. 

Accordion View 

MEP (pipes)

 The following video will show you more detailed information of performa BIM Model Server.

#BIM #3D #visualization #BIMModelServer #FacilityManagement #IFC #BuildingManagemet #BIMprogram #4D #GIS #googlemap #restful #openAIP

Free Download performa Manager basic  at  http://goo.gl/XFqPbI

www.quartzsys.com      E-mail: onmyway@quartzsys.com