
Quartz Sys flew Drones in Seoul-Munsan Highway Construction Site (TV broadcasting)

Quartz Sys flew drones to take high-quality of pictures on the Seoul-Munsan Highway Construction site and Kintex One-City, which are being built by GS Engineering & Construction.

We used two kinds of Drone models, 'DJI Inspire 1' and 'DJI Phantom'.

DJI Pantom

DJI Inspire 1

We took more than 13,000 pictures and could realize 3D images of the sites with the point clouds extracted from the pictures through using BIM solutions of Quartz Sys and Pix4D mapper. 

From the picture data obtained by flying drones we can extract point cloud data, DEM of topographic data and 3D structural data, which are very helpful to gain precise territorial information and make a quick decision. Fundamentally it can save a lot of cost. 

The scenes we were flying drones and interviewed on TV. Let's see this.


BIM program Free Download - performa Manager basic version

Quartz Sys's BIM program performa Manager basic (trial version) has been released.

 The following film is simply showing the functions of "performa Manager basic", which is IFC certified BIM solution visualizing Building information data in 3D.

 #BIM #3D #visualization #ClashDetection #FacilityManagement #IFC #BuildingManagemet #BIMprogram #4D #WBS

 Free Download the program right now
at http://www.quartzsys.co.kr/#!download/a67dc

Buildtech Asia 2016 Expo

Buildtech Asia 2016 Expo is going to be held 18-20 October in Singapore and Quartz Sys has decided to take part in the Expo as an exhibitor.

Quartz Sys exhibited its BIM (Building Information Modeling) solutions at the Buildtech Asia 2015 Expo, which took place in Singapore last October.

‘BuildTech Asia 2015’ was organized in conjunction with Singapore Construction & Productivity Week for professionals to work towards transforming the construction sector towards higher productivity.

Quartz Sys introduced various functions of its 'performa' series (performa Manager, performa IC, performa BMS, performa AMS, performa UrbanScape, performa Codechecker etc.) to a lot of visitors to the event . Quartz Sys's solutions have been used for improving productivity of construction industry through BIM-based technologies.

You can find our much more upgraded BIM solutions at Buildtech Asia 2016, so we hope you will not miss it.

#BIM #IFC #FMS #EMS #BIMandGIS #AMS #OpenBIM #BuildTechAsia
#BMS #CodeChecker #UrbanScape #Singapore #QuartzSys